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Prayer offers the opportunity to tear down the façade that we are alone or that Hashem is distant from us. Instead, it enables us to really feel that we are placed in the all-encompassing reality of Hashem’s constant presence.

Throughout our day we must be conscious of Hashem’s presence, as it says in the verse from Tehillim (16:8) “Shivisi Hashem l’negdi tamid… (I have set Hashem before me always …)”. Repeating this verse will implant the notion in our minds that we are always in Hashem’s presence. Another powerful verse from Tehillim that strengthens our awareness of G-d is (73:22) “V’Ani Tamid Imach… (Yet, I am constantly with you…”). 

To sharpen our minds focus when we pray, we should first stand before Hashem with humility and acknowledge that we are not able to do anything without Hashem. We must admit we cannot master anything on our own since we are finite and limited human beings. Praying to Hashem to help us pray with greater kavannah is of utmost importance. We need Divine intervention and assistance in opening up consciousness to stand before the awesome presence of Hashem and even pray!

Internalizing the above verses from Tehillim can serve to strengthen our yirat Shamayim (reverence of Hashem). The word yirah is likened to the root word ra’ah, to see. Increasing our awareness of His presence in our lives reminds us that nothing is hidden but rather that everything can be seen and is recorded and noticed by Hashem. Our thoughts and actions are not private. This knowledge is simultaneously empowering and awe-inspiring. To know that Hashem is aware of everything we think and feel makes us realize that any barriers we perceive as separating us from Him are an illusion.

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