How do we increase the potency of the blessings we give to others? It is more than muttering words, it is about reaching deep within and mustering up all the care and compassion that dwells inside and sharing it with another. It is a prayer. We pray that the other sees and experiences only good.
Blessing someone is an act of genuine chesed since we are ‘sharing’ our kindness with another. In addition, we heighten our level of sensitivity to them and thus are able to practice the mitzvah of ‘ve’ahavta l’rei’acha kamocha (loving thy neighbor as we love ourselves)’ in a more heartfelt way.
In order to uplift the blessings that we give, let’s take a closer look into the Hebrew word for blessing, bracha. Bracha shares the same letters as the word for pool, breicha. This implies that when we give a blessing we essentially are drawing from this reservoir of Divine abundance and acting as a channel from which it is poured onto another. Essentially we become the pipeline through which Hashem showers His goodness onto others in this world.