Application to participate in the
ZOOM on line Level 1
Or EmunaTherapy Training Program
- Fall 2024 -
- Make sure that you have at least 15 minutes available to fill the questionnaire
- You MUST CLICK ON SUBMIT in order to ensure that all information is transmitted from this form. If you leave this questionnaire without clicking on submit the information will be lost.
- Upload the picture where it is required.
The Or Emuna Therapy Training program is a comprehensive course that addresses mind, body & soul as one unit. It includes but is not limited to guided imagery, energy medicine including trauma and fear release, understanding of emotions based on body ailments, color therapy and honest open deep soul talk. In summary, a process enables you to better understand your blockages and is driven by your desire to know the truth and remedy the issue at hand.
This program offers tools for self-use. This program enables participants to energetically clear only themselves and their immediate family members (for married individuals one may work on their spouse and/or children after completing a number of prescribed sessions [that number given to them after completion of the entire program] and being checked by Mrs. Riter. For single individuals one may only work on their parents after completing their prescribed regimen of sessions given to them after the program and being checked by Mrs. Riter). Upon completion of this level, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
It is only upon completion of the next advanced level (also called Practitioner level generally offered twice a year) that enables those who have successfully completed this level and worked on their immediate family members (as described above) to begin working on outside family members and others after receiving a certificate of training of that level. May aid in areas of Shalom bayit, release emotional trauma, enhance inner peace, expand spiritual growth and fulfillment, reduce anxiety and fears, rehabilitate emotional, physical and spiritual illness and strengthen self-love.
It is an intense learning program for serious individuals who wish to confront and detox deep emotions. It requires long-term commitment to continue and practice the program beyond the live course. There is a certain level of personal support; however, it is up to each individual to review and practice the energy program for it to continue to assist in one’s overall wellness process.
This program will not provide personal guidance and therapy beyond the group setting. Therefore it is not to be expected that you will receive 1-on-1 therapy or support beyond the scope of the group setting. This includes challenges one may face grasping the techniques and therapy through their personal healing journey that may arise from this program.
Because the nature of this program is to begin the release of intense trauma, fears and emotions, please note that if you have recently or are currently under doctor care due to any psychiatric reasons, have undergone deep traumas, been recently treated by outside energy practitioners or ‘healers’, have severe repressed or suppressed memories and fears or other likened states, the Or Emuna Training Program may not be for you because of the side effects that may arise while releasing repressed emotions. We may ask for a doctor’s approval, referral and/or request a personal interview to ensure that you fully benefit and are aligned with the Or Emuna Training program. It is the responsibility of each student/participant to set up appropriate therapies for them to receive continued mental and emotional support.
Welcome! Enjoy your personal growth & development.
Upon seeking the guidance and direction of Rabbi Ben Tzion Wosner Shlit’a to ensure the energy therapy honors the Torah laws the Rabbi stated and wrote his recommendation and approval of all aspects of Or Emuna Therapy and its program under the following conditions:
All sessions must be prefaced by consciously stating and keeping in mind that all is from G-d. Both private sessions and the Energy training program involve constantly reminding oneself that Hashem has already put forth and made available all healing and restoration and we are simply messengers to enable this healing to surface.
Please read through the entire application for payment and cancellation policy.
**Please note this questionnaire and all personal interaction with Mrs. Riter and throughout the program is strictly confidential**
Watch the FIRST FREE CLASS in its entirety before you complete your application: