The Daily Dose of Emuna

Unlock the Secrets to Emotional Freedom…
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST RECLAIMING THE EXILED EMOTIONS We carry emotions that feel too heavy to bear. We exile them—push them aside, suppress them, numb them. But these emotions don’t disappear. They shape our thoughts, our energy, and our ability to connect to our true selves. The Baal Shem Tov teaches that exile is not just a physical state—it is a spiritual one. And the greatest exile of all is being disconnected from our own inner wisdom, from Hashem’s light within us….

The Place We Call Home
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST The Place We Call Home BS’D Exile defines a state of being away from one’s homeland; distant from one’s natural habitat. A person in exile feels they are distant from realizing their goals; unable to fulfill their potential and live up to their mission. Ultimately, this can result in a sense of emptiness, sadness and personal alienation. This is the environment in which the Jewish people currently reside. The media attempts to ‘sell’ us happiness by…

Soul Language
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST Soul Language BS’D We live in a generation where we long for practical advice on how to live with Hashem. Pesach, the holiday of redemption, teaches that through a pure and holy mouth, words that are spoken from our inner point of truth (aka our G-dly soul), is the way. Prayers that emanate from our soul, words spoken of yearning to connect with Hashem and fulfill His will, are essentially the language of the soul. They are intimately bonded to our…

As we prepare for Pesach …
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST As we prepare for Pesach … BS’D Chodesh Nissan is a month that celebrates the Jewish nation’s path to freedom. When we left Egypt, we ascended to a lofty status. We were chosen, handpicked, to become Hashem’s people. In effect, from this point on, we officially were taken under Hashem’s ‘wings’ and guided solely by Hashem, no longer subject to natural law. In Chodesh Nissan, we were elevated to a higher existence – one based on hashgacha pratit…

Anger Management Part 3
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST Anger Management Part 3 BS’D I once overheard a beautiful story about anger: A Tzaddik once sat on a river bank surrounded by his disciples. As they looked around them, they spotted a group of family members shouting at one another. The Tzaddik turned to his students and asked, “Why do people shout at each other in anger?” The students thought for a while. One of them answered, “Because we lose our calm.” “But why should you shout when the other person…

Anger Management Part 2
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST Anger Management Part 2 BS’D Anger can easily take over one’s mind and behavior. Rather than simply a trait to casually change, anger must be seen as dangerous, a trait we must try to uproot at its source. Why? Nothing in the universe happens by chance. Every event is an extension of Hashem in the world and a reflection of His Will. Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi ztk’l teaches the only reason a person loses his temper is because he fails to see Hashem in…

Anger Management Part 1
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST Anger Management Part 1 BS’D Who can say they haven’t fallen prey to anger? In Sefer Iyov (18:4) anger is described as “Toref nafsho be’apo (One who destroys his soul in his anger)”. That is, a person’s soul is consumed by anger. A person whose anger rules him is out of control and does not realize himself what has come over him. He is temporarily insane. Kabbalah compares anger to fire and rage to a volcano. The reasons why anger can erupt include: An…

Purim’s Main Characters
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST Purim’s Main Characters BS’D Original article published on Aish.com By delving into the main characters of the Purim story, we can discover some hidden attributes that are still embedded into our psyche, projecting positive and negative influence on our actions. Haman, the evil antagonist of the Purim story, was steeped in wealth and power. He experienced material bliss to the highest degree and used his money to buy his way up to the highest ranks in…

Behind the Scenes
WHAT’S NEW SHOP COURSES YOUTUBE PODCAST Behind the Scenes BS’D Every incident is personally ‘supervised and guided’ by Hashem in the most meticulous manner. Hashem turns events around according to our soul’s needs in order for us to achieve complete soul repair. We can live our entire lives without even noticing that Hashem is guiding every step of our life ‘behind the scenes’. A person can see his life as a chain of happenstance and ‘natural’ outcomes not associating Hashem with any…
Almost everything will work if you unplug it for a bit. Including you. Give yourself a few minutes of introspection, and see how it changes everything.
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