A Historic Elul event

Live zoom event:
Wednesday Sept. 25th
4-9 pm IST

Tap into the personal growth you crave.

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Alone is לבד in Hebrew.

והוא לבדו ימלוך – Chazal teach us that לבד/aloneness is one of Hashem’s middot. Hashem stands alone in Him being the Only Creator, the Only One in true existence and the Only One Who can bring about anything.

Alone in “Hashem’s turf” per se’ displays His uniqueness in that No One is like Him. It means He is perfect in that He is alone and doesn’t need anything or anyone. He ‘has all that He needs’.

He is all/one (alone in change of spelling) and in complete Unity within Himself, so to speak.

And yet..

Loneliness is בדידות. It indicates separateness. A feeling of isolation, being unseen/unheard and all other branches of fragmentation and negativity. Existential loneliness (which really is aloneness, as the soul is all/one with Hashem always) is what we often feel at our core, because as the soul, we often feel like a stranger and disconnected in this world from our true essence and origin. And yet, we can take this experience to the positive attribute of what aloneness means.

We interchange these two words and yet they mean 2 diametric opposite states of being.

Our program will focus on these fundamental points and so much more. The goal is to come to a newfound appreciation of the city of refuge we enter in Elul אִנָּה לְיָדוֹ וְשַׂמְתִּי לְךָ (Shemot 21:13) and the unique opportunity to spend this time alone with Hashem, while separated from the rest of the ‘camp’.


Proposed schedule of times (subject to change and likely to go overtime):

Program will be recorded and emailed to the paying participants within a few days 

4-5     Orit Esther workshop
5-5:30    Dr. Miriam Adahan
5:30-6   R’ Pinchas Winston
6-6:15   Break
6:15-6:45     R’ Yaakov Klein
6:45-7:15      Gedale Fenster
7:15-7:45    Dr. Nurit Sirkis Bank
7:45-8     Break
8-8:30                           Q & A
8:30-9    Orit Esther ending words & meditation

Meet Orit Esther and the Speakers

We’ve brought together a world renown speaker line up.  Not to be missed!


Orit Esther Riter

Dr. Miriam Adahan

Rabbi Pinchas Winston

Dr. Nurit Sirkis Bank

Gedale Fenster

Register Today

Join our 5-hour Zoom event for just $36 (regular price $99)! Plus, receive a full recording to watch anytime. Register now to secure your spot!

*If you have a pop-up blocker and are not redirected to the checkout, please click this link to complete your payment: https://oremuna.thrivecart.com/refuge

Register for this special Or Summit!

* indicates required

In the City of Refuge, we find not just sanctuary, but the quiet strength to stand alone with Hashem and rediscover our truest selves.

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Join Orit Esther Riter and a community of growth-oriented people looking to become the best version of themselves.

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